Energize And Forever Change Your Child's Life With Kids Martial Arts Miami, In 30 Days...For FREE!

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Let us make a HUGE difference in your child’s LIFE! Discipline, improved self-esteem, proper manners, weight loss, increased flexibility, better grades, and self-defense are all benefits of Kids Martial Arts Miami!
(We have locations in Miami-Dade county)
Take a tour of our Kids Martial Arts Miami Academy below:
Yeah, we dropped that offer right on the table! We’re going to give you and your child 30 Days to try this out for FREE! There is no catch. There is nothing to sign or buy. We are hands down the leading kids martial arts gym in south Florida. We are the largest and the best. We are seriously that confident. It’s a straight up 30 Days Free to try it out – nothing to sign or buy. If after 30 days you and your child don’t like our program, you can both walk away.
On top of that… it gets even sweeter…
FREE Uniform
FREE Introductory Private Lesson
FREE Technique Video
FREE Tour and Consultation
You have nothing to lose! Call us today at
and make an appointment for your child’s FREE private lesson!
Want to learn more about FFA and get FREE stuff?

FFA Kids Black Belt Gabby Gomez winning the National Title
Provide us with your name and e-mail address and we promise to send you updates on our FREE upcoming events, Bully Terminator Programs, Workshops, Summer Camp, Anger Management Clinics, Confidence Building Weekends, Message of The Week, and much, much more via e-mail.
You will not get junk in your email – you will get useful information. Don’t believe us? Join our email list (which is private and can be unsubscribed to at anytime) and we will email you back a link to download a FREE instructional Video by Master Marcos!
Furthermore, after giving us your email, if you choose to give us your address, we will mail you a FREE FFA Coupon Book! With the coupon book, you can save money on seminars, private lessons, equipment, workshops, FFA sponsor services and products, and much more!
You Have Just Found An Opportunity!

Hello! I’m Master Marcos Avellan, one of the head instructors of the Freestyle Fighting Academy (FFA). You have taken the time to find this website and read a few of my testimonials, so please give me a few more minutes of your time to explain to you the opportunity I am presenting you. I GIVE YOU MY WORD that I am offering something that will change your child’s life forever – as it has for hundreds of kids who have joined our school.
If you are inquiring about our ADULT PROGRAM or our WOMEN-ONLY BOOTCAMP, then visit www.BestFreeTrial.com for more info.
Of all the programs we offer at the Freestyle Fighting Academy, I believe that our Youth Enrichment Program (a.k.a. our "kids program") is the most important. Why? I was born and raised in south Florida… and growing up in south Florida, I know first hand about all the unhealthy distractions that kids face these days, and I know how the martial arts can keep a child on the right track. I went to public school, like most children, and saw many of the bad influences such as gangs, drugs, alcohol, and other self-destructive behaviors which are present in ALL schools these days… however, I am confident that thru the martial arts, I will help children avoid all these bad elements and stay focused on succeeding because of the goals and principles which are taught in the martial arts. The martial arts will make and keep kids strong physically and mentally.
The martial arts gave my brother and I the tools to succeed in school as kids. My brother and I have never done any drugs or smoked a cigarette, have always kept in healthy form, have never used our martial arts outside of the dojo (we would only use martial arts as a form of self-defense or for competition – never to be bullies), and we both excelled in school – we both received full scholarships to University and my brother even graduated from University #1 in his class in electrical engineering!
Keep in mind, we also opened up our own business at a very young age… the Freestyle Fighting Academy was opened up by my brother and I in 2001… we were only 21 and 20 years old. Now, almost a decade later, we have the largest martial arts gym in south Florida…
So the common question I get is… how did you guys do all of this? AGAIN, I can’t emphasize this enough, it is thru the values and lessons taught to us in the martial arts. Every single lesson and principle is directly applicable to life… hang around me enough and you will see that all my metaphors are martial arts related. A lot of times, kids lose interest in school and feel like they can’t relate to teachers, guidance counselors, and sometimes even their parents. However, in a kids martial arts academy, we are able to connect with kids by teaching them how to punch, kick, wrestle, etc. but at the same time, using this attention-getter, we are able to instill important qualities such as discipline, honor, self-control, self-esteem, and much more. The kids then start to feel a part of something really special and develop a lot of pride – and they start to feel accomplished. This sets them apart from the majority of their peers at school – which is a good thing since most kids these days are getting mixed up in a lot of things they shouldn’t.
I understand that everyone has their personal philosophies about how to live their lives and about what is ok to do and what isn’t… and I respect that… but let me get something clear to you – at FFA, we have certain things which are 100% unacceptable. If your personal philosophies clash too strongly with ours, then do not bring your child. Here are a few things I will NOT accept:
1) Substance Abuse (Marijuana, Alcohol, Tobacco, and any other drug)
2) Disrespect of elders
3) Disrespect of family members
4) Disrespect of peers
5) Vulgarity
6) Laziness
7) Disorganization
8) Aimless Wandering (no goals)
9) Lying
10) Quitting
I have instilled rules to prevent each of those ten things from happening – and there is zero tolerance. We will be teaching strong anti-drug programs in the gym (our gym is recognized by the state of Florida as a drug-free workplace), we will be teaching your child to address elders and parents as "Sir" and "Ma’am", we will be teaching your child how to approach peers respectfully (especially how to introduce themselves), we will eliminate any vulgar vocabulary from your child, we will be checking your child’s homework progress and school binders, we will be setting up monthly goals with your child and following up, we will teach your child the pride in being honest, and we will teach your child how to FOLLOW THRU with all his/her goals and to NEVER QUIT!
I have always appreciated the benefits I have gained in the martial arts and, with great gratitude, I am eager to help kids stay out of trouble and catapult them into successful happy young adults through the martial arts.
My goal isn’t to make children into champion fighters – it’s to make them champions in life. Along with teaching children world class fighting abilities, which FFA is known for, I will also be teaching them respect for themselves and others. I will be on top of their school, their behavior at home, their behavior outside of the home… my goal is to create a solid individual in every aspect of life.
Our kids’ program is not like other martial art schools… you will notice that right away upon entering our facility. We pride ourselves in our customer service and our dedication to our kids. We work directly with your child’s school teachers and yourself to make your child the best… a CHAMPION!

Upon joining our gym, your child will immediately learn about bowing, addressing adults as "Sir" or "Ma’am", making eye contact, and keeping a firm hand shake… this is in the first minute of meeting me. After the first class, I will give you a teacher contact form that we need your child’s teachers to fill out. My instructors will be giving each teacher a call and introducing themselves to them. We will exchange emails and be in constant communication about your child’s progress. I will also be giving out bi-weekly progress reports for the school and for the home. That is right… you will be giving me a progress report of your child’s behavior at home, their room cleanliness, chores, manners, and whether or not they are completing their homework.
Along with doing everything in my power to help your child, I will also be teaching him/her excellent self-defense. Your child will be learning a mix of Judo, Kickboxing, Wrestling, and Jiu-Jitsu. This blend of mixed martial arts has made FFA world famous with our adults. With our children, we have produced little terrors on the mats! You can have confidence in knowing that your child is learning quality self defense from one of the best gyms in the world.
ALL KIDS will gain GREAT benefits from the Martial Arts!
Boys and girls have excelled in our style of martial arts. Your child can be short, tall, thin, big – it doesn’t matter. Our instructors will teach your children and develop a style that works best for them.
Your child is ready to begin at 4 years old. We have kids from 4 years old and up. Absolutely no experience is required for your child to begin training.
Does your child have attention deficit? Not a problem! Many parents bring their children to FFA so that we can help them focus and develop more attention. That is why our kids do better in school and behave better at home. We use mental exercises and discipline procedures to help your child gain more focus and perform better in life.
Do you want your child to learn effective self defense? Don’t worry with FFA! Our instructors, all professional fighters with many years of training, have utilized our techniques in the cage and in the ring – at the national and international level. For this reason, we are selected to teach seminars for the Miami police. The difference between joining our academy and other academies is that with us, you know that the techniques we are teaching work – since we have applied them before in actual no holds barred fights. We are 100% confident that our style of mixed martial arts is the ultimate in self-defense.

Are you too busy with work to bring your kids to our program? We do have an After School Program that even TRANSPORTS your child directly from their school!
Are you doing everything you can to:
- To arm your child to succeed in life?
- To help them be the best they can be in school?
- To develop their self confidence?
- To assist them in developing their unique potential?
- To learn self discipline?
Most parents do everything they can to teach these things to their children but After School many parents need some help. The 2 to 4 hours that kids spend after school before their parents get home are some of the most important hours in a child’s life.
How is your child spending their time After School?
Let’s look at this example: The average child spends 3-4 hours somewhere after school before their parents come home. A child that goes from 1st to 7th grade spends about 200 days in school out of the year, this doesn’t even include the 8 hours a day for 2-3 months during the summer.
200 days multiplied by 3 hours is 600 hours a year a child spends… doing what?
Some go to baby sitters. Some go home and play with their friends doing what ever they want. Other get into serious trouble. Not our students.
Between the 1st and 7th grade a child spends an average of 4,200 hours doing basically nothing productive. This time is more valuable than you know. In 4,200 hours you could graduate from college, get your Masters Degree and your Ph.D. So why wouldn’t you let your child spend this valuable time learning skills that will last a lifetime?
When our kids get out of school, their parents know that their child is being trained in real Life Skills. With our busy 21st Century schedules, it’s hard to find the time and resources to really help them with these important life skills.
You would think and expect that they would learn about perseverance, positive mental attitudes, self discipline and goal setting in school, but they really don’t.
Students who attend the FFA Kids Martial Arts Miami program are a step up on others because we teach them about these important life skills and how to develop them to their fullest! Success traits that will pay off for the rest of their lives.
If you have a 4 to 13-year-old looking for something to do after school, look no further. FFA’s After School Kids Martial Arts Miami Sports Camp provides transportation from local schools to their facility Monday through Friday, where your child will have structured study time, lessons in Martial Arts, stranger danger, anger management, conflict resolution, 911 awareness, fire safety, and much more. In one of the finest facilities in the country, your child will learn life lessons that will assure a future of success. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your child enrolled in a program that is committed to keeping children away from drugs and gangs? Imagine the peace of mind that affords a parent.
What I just told you about our gym is just a very small part of what makes us unique… I could go on and on. Instead of listing a thousand things on the internet, I would much rather have you come in for yourself with your child and try it out.
I know you are busy. To come out and try us out for a day may not be worth your time. What can one free day tell you? Well, to be honest, I believe one day is all you would need to see we are the best for your family. But still, it’s asking a lot of me to expect you to come over with your child to try us out for one day – a free day is the martial arts industry standard. How about one week free?
Well, like I said before, we are the MOST UNIQUE school in south Florida – and we do common things uncommonly well. The common free trial is one day free… well we are going to offer you…
I am so confident that you and your child will absolutely love our gym that I am willing to offer you and your child a 30 day free trial! But to be honest with you, I’m offering you that just to get you and your family in the door – with the first free day I know you and your child will want to join.
I know you might be thinking, "Yeah but there has to be a catch." There is no catch. We are hands down the leading mixed martial arts gym in south Florida. We are the largest and the best. We are seriously that confident. It’s a straight up 30 Days Free to try it out – nothing to sign or buy. If after 30 days you and your child don’t like our program, you can walk away.
I want this free trial to be as easy and as convenient for you as possible. Are you worried your child may feel awkward trying their first beginner group class? Don’t worry, before trying out any group classes, we are going to offer your child a FREE private lesson. That way you and your child will already get a basic idea of what to expect and get a chance to feel more comfortable with the training. What about the uniform? Yup, we will also give your child a FREE uniform. And on top of that, we are also going to give you a FREE video about our gym and some of our accomplishments. How about the equipment? Your child gets to borrow it from us. There is literally nothing you have to buy or pay for in your 30 day free trial… and you can walk away from the free trial at anytime!
You have nothing to lose! Call us today at
and make an appointment for your child’s
FREE private lesson! DO YOU WANT TO JOIN BUT ARE STUCK IN A CONTRACT WITH ANOTHER KIDS MARTIAL ARTS MIAMI SCHOOL? Again, not a problem. Ask for a photocopy of your contract, bring it to us, and we will credit you the cancellation fee or whatever months are left on the contract up to $400 towards your registration with us! NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU FROM TRYING US OUT!

Let’s try out this 30 Day Free Trial!
Its 30 days free - no risk, no obligation! Nothing to sign, no commitments!
Your FREE trial includes:
FREE 30 days of training
FREE Uniform
FREE Introductory Private
FREE Video
Call us today to setup your first free introductory private. Our number is 305-225-4610 and ask for Eddie. The private lesson is with one of our instructors who have years of training and experience. In the private, we explain what we teach and go over some of the basics. After the private, we sit down, go over our different programs, and develop a program that works best for you and your child.
We have helped many children, just like yours, accomplish their goals – call us now and setup your child’s first free introductory private so that we can show you how. Come and try out the best FREE trial in south Florida!
"In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
– Theodore Roosevelt
Presented to you is the best free trial in Miami. With a 30 day free trial, if you do nothing, you are definitely doing the worst thing. Please call right now, you will not regret it. Thank you for taking the time to hear out my offer, I am looking forward to helping you and your family.
Best Regards,

Master Marcos Avellan
FFA Black Belt and Head Instructor
2004 ADCC North American Champion
P.S. If you read ALL this stuff and haven’t called or chatted with us to make an appointment… what are you waiting for You owe it to your child to at least join our email list… Otherwise you just wasted your time. Scroll down to join our email list!

Want to learn more about FFA and get FREE stuff?
Provide us with your name and e-mail address and we promise to send you updates on our FREE upcoming events, Bully Terminator Programs, Workshops, Summer Camp, Anger Management Clinics, Confidence Building Weekends, Message of The Week, and much, much more via e-mail.
You will not get junk in your email – you will get useful information. Don’t believe us? Join our email list (which is private and can be unsubscribed to at anytime) and we will email you back a link to download a FREE instructional Video by Master Marcos!
Furthermore, after giving us your email, if you choose to give us your address, we will mail you a FREE FFA Coupon Book! With the coupon book, you can save money on seminars, private lessons, equipment, workshops, FFA sponsor services and products, and much more!
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Join our email newsletter and get free tips and videos for Kids Mixed Martial Arts
And if you have read all this and STILL haven’t joined my E-Mail list… then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? If you read this WHOLE website… and haven’t at least joined the Email List… that only means that you have…
Think about it… Fill out the form above join our list and get a FREE instructional video and take the first step in making a HUGE positive change in your child’s life!